ACTIVITY TIME: Simple calculator
With the commands mentioned in the past pages we can start working on our first versioned project. Now assume you found an interesting code for a simple calculator(calculator.c). Note: Remember to compile it as $gcc calculator.c -o executable-Name
#include <stdio.h>
void add ();
void sel_func (int);
int main (void)
int s;
printf("Select the number of calculator operation [ 1-sum ] : ");
if (s > 1 | s < 1){
printf("Please select a valid operation\n");
goto Input;
sel_func (s);
goto Input;
void sel_func (int s)
void (*fptr)(void);
switch (s){
case 1:
fptr = add;
void add ()
int a, b;
printf("Input two numbers : \n");
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
printf("Result = %d\n", a + b);
Lets create a new repository and add this as the first commit. Hints:
- Check/update your user/email configuration(only on first time)
- Add calculator.c
Incremental change 1
Our first calculator only has the addition operation but we want to multiply as well.
Incremental change 2
Style changes:
- goto should not be used, modify it
- readability
Incremental change 3
Modular calculator:
- Divide calculator in different files for maintainability.
- Make any other improvement that adds value to a good design pattern.