Repo Branch
Repo Branch use same concept from Git Branch a Git branch is a new/separate version of the main repository.
Example you have a large project and you have multiple updates at same time, how would that work with branches:
• Create a new branch called new-design, edit the code directly without impacting the main branch
• EMERGENCY! There is an unrelated error somewhere else in the project that needs to be fixed ASAP!
• Create a new branch from the main project called small-error-fix
• Fix the unrelated error and merge the small-error-fix branch with the main branch
• You go back to the new-design branch, and finish the work there
• Merge the new-design branch with main (getting alerted to the small error fix that you were missing)
Branches allow you to work on different parts of a project without impacting the main branch. When the work is complete, a branch can be merged with the main project. You can even switch between branches and work on different projects without them interfering with each other.
Branches in Repo
At this point you already create a repo and sync the project now to work with Branches using Repo next commands will help
To start a topic branch
repo start branchname --all
To verify that your new branch was created
repo status
Using topic branches To assign the branch to a particular project
repo start branch name project
Project can be listed using
repo info
To switch back and forth among branches that you have created in your local work environment
git checkout branchname
To see a list of existing branches:
git branch
repo branches
The name of the current branch will be preceded by an asterisk
Create own Repo Project Branch
Is time to create a own repo project branch, first we have to enter in ".repo\manifest" folder, this folder contain the git repository with multiple manifest.
Type the below commands to see a complete list of Branches from git manifest repository
git branch -a
Next step is create our own Branch, use next command
git checkout -b UniTestBranch
Next step is t print all the files in this folder we will use like reference
Create a new manifest file using exiting manifest project
cp needlefish_14.0.4.xml needlefish_14.0.4_University.xml
Check if new files was created successfully
We would like to save the new branch with new manifest to start working in out account, for this next steps are required
Create commit and be ready to push
From GitHub create a empty repository
git push --all -u